Land for Sale - 0 Archie Road, Elberta, AL 36530 - 5.04 acres

Beautiful Residential Acreage With Wonderful Coastal Opportunities In Close Proximity

0 Archie Road, Elberta, AL | Lat/Lng:  30.3859, -87.5137

5.04 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


If you’ve been looking for a nice large lot to build your dream residential home, this property has much to offer. Located outside the town limits of Elberta, with paved road frontage and power running along the road. The property will come with a survey plat, along with the access drive already installed. The location is just south of Highway 98, providing easy access to Pensacola, Perdido, or the Alabama Gulf Coast. If you have a love for what the Gulf Coast has to offer, this area provides limitless opportunities for a quality lifestyle living. With so many area qualities like coastal waterways, beaches, fresh and saltwater fishing, marinas, golf courses, shopping and dining, this property provides these excellent recreational opportunities all within just a short commute. Other area features that could be of importance are quality local and private schools, healthcare and international airports all being within a convenient reach while maintaining a rural lifestyle. If you enjoy the outdoors, the property has frequent visits from deer and other local game, along with providing some amazing sunsets. This property will have covenants and restrictions. Property Features: - Residential acreage - Paved road frontage - Access drive installed - Power running along Archie Road - Convenient to the Alabama Gulf Coast and Pensacola - Rural living - Nearby waterways, beaches, fishing, marinas, golf, shopping and dining - Baldwin County Elementary, Middle and High Schools - Covenants and restrictions


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Todd Edwards
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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