Land for Sale - 0 County Road 130, Grover, CO 80729 - 160 acres

0 County Road 130, Grover

0 County Road 130, Grover, CO | Lat/Lng:  40.9106, -104.1297

160 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Here's your opportunity to own a piece of solitude. Located near the Pawnee National Grasslands and Buttes, this 160 acres of grassland is in the beautiful rolling countryside of Northern Colorado. A short drive gets you into the town of Grover or Hereford. Or just a few miles drive and your to the Wyoming border and Route 80. The land ...Click to learn more


County: Weld
Zipcode: 80729
Brokerage: Land Broker Co-op
Agent: John Feeney
Email Land Listing Agent
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