Land for Sale - 0 CR 118, Houlka, MS 38850 - 51.0 acres

0 CR 118 (51 Acres)

0 CR 118, Houlka, MS | Lat/Lng:  34.0381, -89.0211

51 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


51 Acres of Cleared Land - Prime Opportunity in Chickasaw County Discover 51 acres of cleared land located on CR 118 in Chickasaw County. This property offers multiple uses, whether you are looking for pasture developement, a private homestead or recreational property. There are multiple building locations on either side of CR 118. This rare opportunity provides a blank slate for your dream project. Whether you are looking to expand your farming operation or build a home, this property has the space and flexibility to accomodate your needs. Greg Warren, Agent, Registered Forester, Certified Land Specialist Licensed in MS Office: 662-495-1121 Cell: 662-547-8126 Email: gwarren@


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoUndeveloped Land
Property Type ThreeHunting Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Bottomland Real Estate
Brokerage Link
Other FeaturesPrimary Road (1)
Agent: Greg Warren
Email Land Listing Agent
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