Land for Sale - 0 E. Mill Road, Byron, IL 61010 - 41.64 acres

Tillable Farm With 125 PI And High-Yield Farming

0 E. Mill Road, Byron, IL | Lat/Lng:  42.1369, -89.2905

41.64 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Located just north of Byron, this prime 41.639-acre farm is the perfect addition to a farming operation or investment portfolio. With a strong history of no-till farming and cover crops, this land has been carefully managed for long-term productivity. 38 (92%) tillable acres with a 125 PI, it’s designed for efficient, high-yield farming. 1,385 feet of road frontage along Mill Road and a designated farm entrance, accessibility is seamless. The natural rolling contour provides excellent drainage into Mill Creek, further enhancing soil health and productivity. Located just minutes from Byron, 20 minutes to Rockford, and 1 hour 30 minutes from Chicagoland, this property offers the convenience of rural farming with easy access to major markets. Looking for even more possibilities? This farm can be paired with an additional 20.8 acres of recreational ground to the east, offering a versatile income-producing opportunity with potential for bow hunting and outdoor recreation. A high-producing, well-maintained farm in a prime location—this property is an opportunity you won’t want to miss! Property Features: - Strong history of no-till farming and cover crops - 92% tillable with 125 PI - 1,385 ft of road frontage along Mill Road - Designated farm entrance - Natural rolling contour provides drainage into Mill Creek - Potential for bow hunting and outdoor recreation


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Todd Henry
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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