Land for Sale - 0 Hwy 57, Ludowici, GA 31316 - 290.0 acres

Long County Jones Creek Tract

0 Hwy 57, Ludowici, GA | Lat/Lng:  31.6953, -81.7433

290 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Hunters and timber land investors check out this 290 acre tract in Long Co Ludowici Ga. 140+/- acres of the timber on this tract have been cut, and 45 acres have been planted back. The remainder of the property can be your blank slate for natural regeneration of pine or food plots and recreation. This property has an abundance of wildlife that thrive along Jones Creek that runs through the property. 150+/- acres of the property are left natural with mature pine and hardwood and wide SMZ zone off Jones creek. The property also has whitetail deer, turkey, hogs and other small game as well as ducks on the creek. Call Al Randall with Mossy Oak Properties at 912-237-6356 to schedule a showing of this great property.


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
Property Type ThreeTimberland
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Coastal Land and Real Estate
Brokerage Link
Other FeaturesPrimary Road (1), River/Creek (1)
Agent: Al Randall
Email Land Listing Agent
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