Land for Sale - 0 Hwy 9 W, Banner, MS 38913 - 80.0 acres

0 Hwy 9 W

0 Hwy 9 W, Banner, MS | Lat/Lng:  34.1277, -89.3829

80 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


80 Acres - Calhoun County, MS - Planted Pine, Pond, and Deeded Access Discover 80 acres of prime land in Calhound County just off of Highway 9 W. It features 1 year old planted pines, a scenic pond, and deeded access for easy entry. This versatile property offers a great mix of investment potential and recreational opportunities, whether you're looking to establish a timber investment, hunting retreat, or private getaway. With young pines already in place this land provides long-term income potential while maintaining ample space for wildlife and outdoor activities. The deeded access ensures privacy and security, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a secluded retreat. For more details or to schedule a showing, contact me today! Greg Warren, Agent, Registered Forester, Certified Land Specialist Licensed in MS Office: 662-495-1121 Cell: 662-547-8126 Email: gwarren@


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoHunting Land
Property Type ThreeUndeveloped Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Bottomland Real Estate
Brokerage Link
Agent: Greg Warren
Email Land Listing Agent
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