Land for Sale - 0 Jewett Germano Rd., Jewett, OH 43986 - 12.95 acres

Jewett Germano Rd - 12 acres - Harrison County

0 Jewett Germano Rd., Jewett, OH | Lat/Lng:  40.4031, -80.9496

12.95 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Final Sale Price: No price given
Listed Price: $89,900
Date Listed: 02/07/2025
Land for sale in Harrison County, Oh. Bobcats and whitetails and bears, oh my what a nice little deer hunting property! At just under 13 acres, this property is bordered on 3 sides by the Faith Ranch and has incredible whitetail sign. The rock-high wall and pond left from mining make incredible wildlife funnel areas. Openings established on the south side of the property would make perfect food plots. The seller provided a trail cam photo of a black bear that was captured by a hunter on the property. Access via the shared drive off of Rt. 9. Seller does not own the gas & oil rights. Mostly wooded property that is bordered on 3 sides by the Faith Ranch Openings established for food plots Property sits off of the road with access via a shared drive off of Rt. 9 Steep, high-wall creates incredible funnel areas. GPS Coordinates: 40.4041, -80.9488 Shallow mine pond Seller provided a trail cam photo of a black bear that was captured by a hunter on the property Great wildlife habitat


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Bauer Realty & Auctions
Brokerage Link
Agent: Tony Seals
Email Land Listing Agent
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