Land for Sale - 0 McKee Road, Mcarthur, OH 45651 - 18.41 acres

McKee Rd - 18 acres - Vinton County

0 McKee Road, Mcarthur, OH | Lat/Lng:  39.2301, -82.5768

18.41 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Land for sale in Vinton County Ohio. Just 5 minutes from McArthur, Little Raccoon Creek runs through this 18-acre property that is perfect for a hunting / recreational retreat or home site! A driveway leads back to an older cabin with connected electric service that could be a beautiful home site or food plot location. A small spring-fed watering hole stays filled year round, attracting numerous types of wildlife. The property does have some marketable timber, consisting mostly of red and white oak, as well as walnut. Topography is rolling and gently sloping. With tons of Deer sign, over 700 feet of road frontage and just 30 minutes to Tar Hollow State Park and Zaleski State Forest, this one won't last long! Any mineral rights will be conveyed to the buyer.


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Bauer Realty & Auctions
Brokerage Link
Agent: Gary McBride
Email Land Listing Agent
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