Land for Sale - 0 St Rt 7, Pierpont, OH 44082 - 22.87 acres

Auction - St Rt 7 - Ashtabula County

0 St Rt 7, Pierpont, OH | Lat/Lng:  41.7215, -80.5748

22.87 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Final Sale Price: No price given
Listed Price: $1
Date Listed: 01/25/2025
Online Real Estate Auction!Auction begins closing February 20th at 6 pm ESTBid online anytime!Phone bidding available Situated in Ashtabula County along St Rt 7, this 22.87 acre property offers an excellent land investment opportunity. The property has 213' of road frontage, which is plenty of room to develop good access into the property. The land is mostly wooded and offers enough acreage for hunting and recreation, along with multiple building sites to develop your rural homestead. Pymatuning State Park is just a few miles from the property and offers many recreational activities, including public hunting along with some of the finest walleye and muskie fishing in Ohio. Lake Erie is also 17 miles from the property. All of the seller's mineral rights will transfer with the sale. Annual property taxes are approximately $783.70. Do not miss this opportunity! Address: 0 St Rt 7 Pierpont, OH, 44082 GPS: Lat. 41.72074 Long. -80.57064 County: Ashtabula Township: Pierpont Parcel: 400180000400 Schools: Pymatuning Valley Local You may walk the property anytime at your own risk and convenience. Acceptance of auction terms is required prior to bidding. Contact auctioneer Brian Bauer at 614-949-6764 or bbauer@


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
Property Type ThreeUndeveloped Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Bauer Realty & Auctions
Brokerage Link
Other FeaturesPrimary Road 1 (1)
Agent: Brian Bauer
Email Land Listing Agent
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