Land for Sale - 0 State Highway M-28, Lot#WP003, Newberry, MI 49868 - 96.0 acres

Hay And Pasture Ground On M-28

0 State Highway M-28, Lot#WP003, Newberry, MI | Lat/Lng:  46.3096, -85.6050

96 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


If you’re looking to start or expand a cattle operation, hobby farm, or build, here’s a great opportunity. The property primarily features hay and pasture ground on its vast expanse. To the southwest, you’ll find a small pocket of cutover timber where the aspen regeneration is coming along nicely. With 3,200+/- feet of road frontage on M-28, this provides a year-round access opportunity with investment potential.*Sale is subject to municipal approval. Also available with more acreage. Property Features: - Primarily hay and pasture ground - 3,200+/- feet of M-28 frontage - Small wooded patch


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Whitetail Properties
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