Land for Sale - 0 Sunset Ridge, Waverly, TN 37185 - 2.48 acres

Beautiful 2.47 acre homesite overlooking beautiful Kentucky Lake.

0 Sunset Ridge, Waverly, TN | Lat/Lng:  36.2114, -87.9290

2.48 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This beautiful lakefront lot is 2.47, with stunning year-round views of Kentucky Lake. Approximately 20 minutes from Waverly, It is located in the gated Sunset Shores Development and minutes from Eagle Bay Marina. To the west of Sunset Shores, the lot has a level homesite location overlooking Kentucky Lake and the Tennessee River. Underground Power and high-speed fiber optic internet are already at the property. The buyer will need to install a well and septic. Approved for TVA dock permit, but the new owner will need to apply for the license. The community also has a private boat ramp. This property is located in an HOA. Dues are $350 annually. For more information, contact: Chris Dowdy 615-506-0776 cdowdy@


Property Type OneResidential Property
Property Type TwoLakefront
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Tennessee Land & Farm
Brokerage Link
Agent: Chris Dowdy
Email Land Listing Agent
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