Land for Sale - 0 Taylor Road, Doylestown, OH 44230 - 77.55 acres

Taylor Rd - 77 acres - Wayne County

0 Taylor Road, Doylestown, OH | Lat/Lng:  40.9774, -81.6497

77.55 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Land for sale in Wayne County, Ohio. If you are looking for more acreage to farm or to build a new home this may be the one you're looking for. Excellent long-term investment and the opportunity to buy income-producing property! Good location with an easy commute to Akron and Canton Ohio. Property features include: 77.547 total acres 1 parcel Level to rolling topography Mix of woods and 53.6 acres of tillable ground Planted in soybeans for 2024 Crop ground leased to a local farmer Small wood lots and wooded draws between fields Thick cover for wildlife Should be excellent deer hunting Small creek through property Some mature timber Building sites Access from Taylor Road Electric at the road. It is located in the Chippewa Local School District. Any mineral rights the seller owns to transfer and annual taxes are approximately $3148.44.


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Bauer Realty & Auctions
Brokerage Link
Other FeaturesPhoto Point (24)
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