Land for Sale - 0 US Hwy 601, Salisbury, NC 28147 - 15.95 acres

15.95+/- ac - US Hwy 601 Salisbury NC 28147 - Rowan Co

0 US Hwy 601, Salisbury, NC | Lat/Lng:  35.7709, -80.5038

15.95 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Acreage with open Field and Timberland If you are looking for a fantastic piece of property to build your dream home or to create your homestead? Look no further, this beautiful 15.95+/- acre tract would make a perfect fit. This property has an agriculture field out front that is flat and ready to be built on or would make an excellent area for pastures. The property has been perk tested for a 4-bedroom home (see attached document). The back section is all wooded with large bottomland hardwoods and borders the NC wildlife game lands that run along the South Yadkin River. This area has abundant wildlife such as deer and turkey that offer excellent hunting opportunities. This property is located only minutes from the boat launch to the river and is commonly used for fishing, kayaking or just a relaxing float down the river. In addition to the local river access, High Rock Lake is about a thirty-minute drive and is a popular destination for fishing and boating. Rowan County has a booming economy and continues to flourish with lots of growth. This area is highly suited for country living with the luxuries of having large cities like Charlotte and Greensboro within a 45 minute drive.


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
Property Type ThreeUndeveloped Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Land and Luxury
Brokerage Link
Agent: Keith Powlas
Email Land Listing Agent
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