Land for Sale - 0 Welty Rd, Lot#WP003, Lindley, NY 14858 - 3.03 acres

Secluded Wooded Building Lot In Lindley

0 Welty Rd, Lot#WP003, Lindley, NY | Lat/Lng:  42.0841, -77.1137

3.03 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Looking for a peaceful place to build your dream getaway or full-time home? This completely wooded 3-acre lot in Lindley, NY, offers the privacy and seclusion you've been searching for. This property is fully wooded with a mix of mature trees. It's got a level to gently sloping terrain, the perfect quiet and secluded setting for a cabin, tiny home or country retreat. Surround yourself with the sights and sounds of the forest. Whether you're looking to build, camp, or simply have a place to escape, this parcel gives you the freedom to create your own private hideaway. Located in Lindley, near the Pennsylvania border, this property is just a short drive to Corning and I-99. It offers the perfect balance of quiet country living with access to nearby conveniences. Come walk this beautiful parcel and see the potential for yourself - a little piece of wooded paradise awaits! ADDITIONAL INFO: Gas, mineral, oil and timber rights convey. 5 miles to Corning, 11 miles to PA, 21 miles to Elmira. Do not walk the property without permission. Property Features: - GMO and Timber rights convey - Agent must be present at all showings, do not send clients out alone - MLS #11458137


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