Land for Sale - 00 Collettsville Rd, Lot 7, Collettsville, NC 28611 - 10.25 acres

Unrestricted, Wooded Lot 7 Located Near Collettsville

00 Collettsville Rd, Lot 7, Collettsville, NC | Lat/Lng:  36.0308, -81.6873

10.25 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This unrestricted parcel is located just 15 miles from downtown Blowing Rock, NC, offering a perfect blend of seclusion and convenience. With a recent survey completed, this property provides clear and updated boundaries. The land is in a remote location near Collettsville, NC just off Hwy 90. Dyson Creek runs through this lot. The Johns River is just a short distance away, enhancing the property's appeal for outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy fishing, kayaking and hiking. US Forestry land is nearby. Well and septic will be needed for utilities and Spectrum cable is currently being installed on Hwy 90. Whether you're seeking a quiet retreat or an adventurous getaway, this property is an excellent choice for those who want to embrace nature while still being close to high country adventure. Property Features: - Wooded and private setting - Adjacent to US Forestry land - 15 miles from downtown Blowing Rock - Dyson Creek on property - Recent survey - Close proximity to the Johns River - Unrestricted - Location near Collettsville, NC - Well and septic needed


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Chip Camp
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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