Land for Sale - 00 E County Road 612 Lot#WP001, Grayling, MI 49738 - 2.67 acres

Gorgeous Building Lot On The Famed Ausable River

00 E County Road 612 Lot#WP001, Grayling, MI | Lat/Lng:  44.8068, -84.4820

2.67 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


The Ausable River is as synonymous with Michigan as the Mackinaw Bridge and the Porcupine Mountains and we are proud to offer little slice of it. Whether you are looking for a place to build or simply an access point to a river that is famous for it's great fishing, canoeing and beauty, this river lot has it all. High ground with direct road access, completely wooded with a gradual slope that leads you down to the water. Close proximity to I-75 offers convenient access regardless if you're traveling from the north or south. Lots on the Ausable don't come around too often, so please don't hesitate to reach out for your own personal tour. Property Features: - Beautiful Ausable River front lot - Completely wooded - World class trout fishing - World class canoeing, kayaking, tubing - Close proximity to I-75 - Approximately 1 hour north of Clare and 1 hour south of Mackinaw Bridge


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