Land for Sale - 00 Route 957, Lot#Wp001, Sugar Grove, PA 16350 - 10.39 acres

Small Parcel With Stream And Existing Driveway

00 Route 957, Lot#Wp001, Sugar Grove, PA | Lat/Lng:  41.9822, -79.2978

10.39 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This is a nice wooded parcel that could be ideal for building, hunting or camping. The small parcel has frontage on two roads with options for access. A new driveway and parking lot was recently added which would be a great place to park your camper or RV. A beautiful small stream flows across the property in the valley. There is some variation in terrain which can help pattern the deer. The property has some well used deer trails and appears to be good hunting. Electricity is available at the road along with public sewer. The oil, gas and mineral rights have been previously reserved and do not convey to the buyer. There is some existing oil producing equipment on the property as well. Reach out to the listing agent for additional details or to schedule your private tour! Property Features: - Existing Driveway - Small stream


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Josh Ongley
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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