Land for Sale - 00 Shields Road, Pleasantville, PA 16341 - 96.5 acres

Beautiful Acreage With A Secluded Cabin And Mature Timber

00 Shields Road, Pleasantville, PA | Lat/Lng:  41.5540, -79.5077

96.5 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Final Sale Price: No price given
Listed Price: $395,000
Date Listed: 02/06/2025
This is a super property featuring mature timber, a stream and a secluded cabin. The property is predominately wooded but has two open fields that may be ideal for pasture, crops or food plots. The timber is a nice mix of mature hardwoods with a few small areas of scattered conifers. Existing oaks have provided mast production for the wildlife which was obvious by the deer sign. Deer and turkey tracks covered the property. I personally saw a large flock of turkeys and several deer while on the property. Near the back of the property is a small attractive stream as an added bonus. The terrain is mostly level with some very gentle rolling hills. If you are looking for privacy the setting of the cabin is excellent. It sits near the center of the property and overlooks the open hardwoods and wildlife. There is electricity to the cabin but it does not have a septic system or running water. There is a water well on location but the water is not drinkable. The cabin will require some TLC due to a shifting foundation in a couple areas. The large barn beams, stone fireplace and vaulted ceiling create the ultimate rustic feel! This could make a great family retreat and place to entertain family and friends. This is a convenient location and only minutes from the Allegheny River and several other public recreational opportunities. No testing has been done for septic. The sellers do not own the oil, gas and mineral rights and there are some old oil wells and equipment on the property. Please reach out to the listing agent for additional details or to schedule your personal tour. Property Features: - Secluded cabin needing TLC - Mature hardwoods - Loaded with deer and turkey sign


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Josh Ongley
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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