Land for Sale - 00, South Branch, MI 48761 - 16.0 acres

Gorgeous, Buildable, Wooded Acreage

00, South Branch, MI | Lat/Lng:  44.4930, -83.8542

16 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


If you are looking for a beautifully wooded parcel to build on and still have room to hunt, this may be your spot. This property is located in the recreation-filled northeast region of Michigan's lower peninsula. This parcel is secluded yet conveniently located, with easy road front access. It's a heavily wooded tract that a great population of deer, turkey, small game and the occasional bear, call home. As an added bonus, this property lies in close proximity to the Ausable River and all the recreational opportunity it has to offer. This would also be a great candidate to build your dream home. Please don't hesitate to call for your own personal tour. Property Features: - Heavily wooded parcel - Buildable - Potential timber value - Great hunting opportunity - Close proximity to Ausable River - Secluded yet conveniently located


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