Land for Sale - 00 V/L 13 Mile Rd., Bitely, MI 49309 - 795.0 acres

Large Acreage Tract With Water Features And Excellent Access

00 V/L 13 Mile Rd., Bitely, MI | Lat/Lng:  43.7423, -85.9839

795 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


It's not often a contiguous tract this large becomes available in West Michigan. This all-timber 795 has road frontage on both Comstock Ave. and W 13 Mile Rd. while 3 well-established trails deliver interior access throughout. Multiple tributary creeks that feed into the Big South Branch of the Pere Marquette River meander through the property and a beautiful pond on the NE corner just south of 13 Mile is an additional water feature. The property holds an abundance of wildlife, including deer, bear, turkey, grouse, waterfowl, and small game. This is truly a sportsman's paradise, and with the Manistee National Forest being adjacent, there are nearly endless areas to explore. For those looking to build, there are many sites to choose from. If you've been looking for that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to purchase a legacy property in West Michigan, this is one you need to take a look at before it's gone! Property Features: - Solid Timber Tract - Adjacent To The Manistee National Forest - Road Frontage On Comstock Ave. & W 13 Mile Rd. - Multiple Water Features - Established Trail System Throughout - Buildable - Holds An Abundance Of Wildlife Including Deer, Bear, Turkey, Grouse, Waterfowl & Small Game


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Justin Olk
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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