Land for Sale - 00 Whisnant Rd, Lot#WP007, Lenoir, NC 28645 - 10.01 acres

Building Lot Near The Yadkin River

00 Whisnant Rd, Lot#WP007, Lenoir, NC | Lat/Lng:  36.0082, -81.5563

10.01 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This property in Caldwell County, NC, offers a wooded lot with a natural landscape, giving you a chance to immerse yourself in the area's scenic beauty. The property comes with certain restrictions such as minimum square footage, stick-built homes only, and no livestock that are designed to preserve the integrity of the land and maintain the character of the surrounding area. Additionally, a road maintenance agreement is in place to ensure that the access road is well-maintained and easily accessible. With its natural surroundings and peaceful setting, this lot holds great potential for anyone looking to build a home, cabin, or retreat at the foothills of the high country, while still being within reach of local amenities and attractions. Property Features: - Road maintenance agreement in place - Mountain views - Timber - Close to the Yadkin River - Located in between Lenoir and Blowing Rock


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Chip Camp
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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