Land for Sale - 000 Byler Road, Valier, PA 15780 - 16.0 acres

000 Byler Road Valier, PA. 15780

000 Byler Road, Valier, PA | Lat/Lng:  40.9163, -79.0597

16 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


It is time to enjoy your new private hunting ground! These 16+/- acres are mostly wooded with a young stand of hardwoods made up of red oak, cherry and hickory. At the back of this property there is a one-acre field that is ideal for a food plot. This ground is set up for hunting with cover and food source. There is access from Number 8 Road and throughout the property. Features of the Property: 16+/- total acres Mostly wooded Ideal for hunting 5 minutes to Perry Township sportsman club Good access Young stand of hardwoods


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Pennsylvania Land Professionals
Brokerage Link
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