Land for Sale - 000 Cumberland Road, Shell Knob, MO 65747 - 1.45 acres

Stunning River Frontage Lots on Kings River, Shell Knob, MO Table Rock lake area

000 Cumberland Road, Shell Knob, MO | Lat/Lng:  36.5048, -93.5913

1.45 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Stunning river front property with amazing views on the Kings River in Barry county, Shell Knob, MO. Easy access to and from the property with Hwy 86. This property is about 10 minutes from Dogwood Canyon Nature Park, about 15 minutes from Shell Knob, MO and 30 minutes to Kimberling City, MO at Table Rock Lake. Close by is Berryville, AR only 15 minutes away and Silver Dollar City and Branson, MO only 40 and 45 minutes away respectively. Among the many potential uses for this property would be to make a nice home build site with the panoramic views over the Kings River and the beautiful properties on the other side of the river. The property is made up of 4 adjoining lots. This property has lots of wildlife with whitetail deer, turkey, quail, geese, fox, squirrel and many others that have been observed in the area. These lots have a mixture of new and mature timber with both soft and hard woods. There is power and water available at property line. This land is available at the end of well maintained road. This end of the road property offers peace and serenity and a lot of potential for the future owners. This property sits up above the Kings River and the nearby beautiful homes and properties only add to this locations value. Stunning views come with this riverfront property on the Kings River. Come take a look at your future place! Call Tom Johnson for showings at 816-215-7869 . The lots are potentially available individually at $50,000 per lot.


Property Type OneUndeveloped Land
Property Type TwoRiverfront
Property Type ThreeTimberland
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Missouri Land Brokers
Brokerage Link
Agent: Thomas "Tom" Johnson
Email Land Listing Agent
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