Land for Sale - 000 Cypress Shoals, Pangburn, AR 72121 - 2.0 acres

2+-Acre Lot Little Red River below Ramsey Boat Ramp

000 Cypress Shoals, Pangburn, AR | Lat/Lng:  35.4562, -91.7640

2 ac.


Here is a 2+- acre River Side Lot in a gated subdivision with a small wet weather creek running along one side of the acerage. Heavily wooded with plenty of level space for a Cabin. The neighborhood has covenants and the owners are building new homes as time marches on. Great views of the river, seclusion offered because of Winrock Farms owning thousands of acres on east side of neighborhood. Mature Hardwoods are spaced evenly throughout the property providing ample shade once understory has been cleared.


Property Type OneRecreational Land
Property Type TwoRiverfront
Property Type ThreeTimberland
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Cache River Land & Farm
Brokerage Link
Agent: Eric Camp
Email Land Listing Agent
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