Land for Sale - 0000 Pleasant Valley Rd, Wellsville, KS 66092 - 18.93 acres

Recreational Land With Multiple Homesite Opportunities

0000 Pleasant Valley Rd, Wellsville, KS | Lat/Lng:  38.6215, -95.0491

18.93 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Discover this stunning 18.92-acre parcel in Miami County, offering a perfect blend of rolling hills, pasture, and timber. This land is ideal for a beautiful home site with easy access from Highway 68. It’s also a dream property for outdoor enthusiasts, with opportunities for hunting, ATV riding, and various recreational activities. Electricity is available at the road, making it convenient for building. Located just minutes from city amenities, this perfect building site won't last long,—don’t miss out! Property Features: - Corner parcel off of paved road. Mixture of timber and pasture


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Whitetail Properties
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