Land for Sale - 10600 Maries County Rd 421, Belle, MO 65013 - 35.55 acres

35.5± Acre Retreat Ideal for Homesites Hunting & Recreation for Sale - Maries Co.

10600 Maries County Rd 421, Belle, MO | Lat/Lng:  38.1745, -91.6980

35.55 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Property Highlights: • Multiple possible homesite locations • Ready for livestock • Abundant wildlife • 2 ponds • Maries County R-2 School District This 35.5± acre property located in Maries County offers multiple possible homesite locations, excellent hunting and recreational activities. The property consists of a nice rolling pasture with groves of trees scattered throughout. The fenced property has 2 small ponds that would make it ideal for livestock. ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Trophy Properties and Auction
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