Land for Sale - 11 E Main St, Columbus, PA 16405 - 0.78 acres

Columbus Inn

11 E Main St, Columbus, PA | Lat/Lng:  41.9412, -79.5802

0.78 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


If you have been waiting for a great investment opportunity, check out this locally loved neighborhood tavern and eatery. The Columbus Inn is known locally for their chicken wings, burgers and other weekly food/drink specials and is a local hotspot. The sale includes the real estate, business, liquor license and equipment. The Inn has had many recent updates including the new outside patio and bar which is an amazing place to spend with friends and family on those mild nights! Inside the tavern is a nice bar with seating for 12-15, several high pub style tables and also a secluded dining area. The commercial kitchen is fully outfitted with stainless equipment and appliances as well as a walk in cooler. The second story is a sizable 3 bed/1 bath apartment for additional income potential. A large parking lot that helps accompany the guest on those busy nights. Reach out to the listing agent for additional details or to schedule your private tour! Property Features: - Local hotspot known for their chicken wings and weekly specials - Well established family run tavern and eatery


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Josh Ongley
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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