Land for Sale - 11555 Swallow Blvd, Floris, IA 52560 - 210.0 acres

210 acre m/l Davis County, Iowa

11555 Swallow Blvd, Floris, IA | Lat/Lng:  40.8795, -92.2772

210 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This 210 acre m/l property is available for the first time in nearly 50 years. Located in Northeast Davis County, Iowa this property is a hunter’s dream. The property offers the kind of diversity that separates average whitetail properties from truly world class potential. This property has produced several trophy whitetails and is located in a neighborhood known for outstanding genetics and age class where deer truly reach their potential. Cover - this property boasts heavily timbered ridges, mature timber-lined creek bottoms, wooded draws, native warm season grasses, and overgrown, thick WCRP fields. Security - very little of this property can be seen from any road and is situated as a hub adjoining several huge blocks of cover. Water - there is nearly a mile of Soap Creek running through the property, a large pond, and an old oxbow providing ample year-round water sources Food - abundant mast-producing trees, natural browse, large surrounding agricultural fields, and tons of potential food plot locations. There are 34.23 acres enrolled in CRP with annual income of $8,549.00 An additional 35 acres m/l is open ground currently seeded down to pasture and hay. The property includes a 3 bedroom, 1 bath berm home that would make a great hunting cabin. The 2 pole barns, and assorted sheds/carports provide several storage options.


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoHunting Land
Property Type ThreeRecreational Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Boley Real Estate
Brokerage Link
Agent: Nick Boley
Email Land Listing Agent
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