Land for Sale - 117 NW Fourth Street, Flora , MS 39071 - 16.38 acres

16.38 Acres In Madison County with Special Purpose Investment Property in Flora, MS (Former Flora Elementary School)

117 NW Fourth Street, Flora , MS | Lat/Lng:  32.5442, -90.3176

16.38 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Welcome to your future upscale housing development opportunity nestled within the charming city limits of Flora, MS. This expansive 16.38± acre property offers a blend of historic charm and modern potential, presenting an array of possibilities for savvy investors. The centerpiece of this property is a stately 14,000 square-foot school building built circa 1922, with solid brick exterior walls poised ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
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Agent: Tom Smith
Email Land Listing Agent
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