Land for Sale - 11869 FM 2834, Hamlin, TX 79520 - 334.0 acres

Highly Desirable Multi-Functional Ranch

11869 FM 2834, Hamlin, TX | Lat/Lng:  32.9541, -100.0255

334 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Discover the perfect blend of recreation, ranching, and income potential on this property in Northwest Texas. This versatile ranch offers a combination of productive CRP grasses, prime hunting opportunities, and tillable ground for cattle grazing or awesome dove hunting, making it an excellent investment for ranchers, outdoorsmen, and families alike.A charming old farmhouse with electricity and a water well provides a functional getaway for weekend retreats or as a base camp for your hunting adventures. This area of Northwest Texas has excellent populations of whitetail deer, wild hogs, dove, and predators, ensuring year-round hunting opportunities. A stock tank sits just below the house providing water for wildlife, and cattle, and is an excellent draw for dove.The property features a ridge running through the middle that separates the CRP grasses at the top from the tillable ground below. Upon this ridge is incredible views and would make an excellent site for that country dream home. The views back to the east go on for miles. Imagine sitting on your shaded back porch watching deer and hogs come into your feeders or fields as the sun sets. The views to the north are of the “Flat Top Mountains” of western Jones County and are widely known in the area.This property also has current CRP grasses which provide yearly income and provide great cover for quail. This area has historically produced quail and this year has been one of the best in recent history.Access to the ranch is easy, located just off FM 2834 and gravel road to the home.Whether you're looking for a hunting retreat, cattle ranch, or investment property, this ranch has it all. Don't miss this opportunity to own a prime piece of Northwest Texas land!📍 Schedule a showing today! Property Features: - Great hunting for deer, pigs, quail, dove, and predators - Older farm home with electricity and water well - CRP grasses with yearly income - Great views with potential for awesome building sites - Easy access off Farm to Market Road 2834 - Tillable ground for possible cattle grazing or sunflower field - Short drive to Hamlin and Stamford for groceries, 45 minutes to Abilene


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Jackie Webb
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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