Land for Sale - 119 Alice Drive, Littleton, NC 27850 - 225.62 acres

Discover A Newly Remodeled Home With Livestock Amenities, Pasture And Timber

119 Alice Drive, Littleton, NC | Lat/Lng:  36.3636, -78.0141

225.62 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Have you always dreamed of living on your very own working farm? Have you always wanted to sit on your back porch in the morning sipping coffee while the livestock begins stirring and the sun is rising? If this is a dream that you have had, then this farm is definitely one you will not want to miss. Just outside of Littleton, discover your very own tranquility of a newly renovated home, fenced-in pasture with rolling topography, livestock amenities and a timber stand you can watch grow. Just off of Embro Odell Road you will find the long gravel driveway that leads to the center of attention, this is where life on the farm all comes together. To the east, you will find a home worthy of every memory to be made that has recently gone through several renovations inside and out, leaving a beautiful space to reside. Just off of the corner of the home, you will find a usable chicken coop, as well as a tobacco barn that has been renovated into a storage barn. To the west, you will find an old home that has no value and fire damage. Just to the south of the old home are two old barns that are being used for storage, as well as a usable livestock barn with stalls and equipment room. All of the pasture land to the west and south of the home's yard is completely fenced in with multiple gates. Within the pastures at various locations are several watering tanks for livestock that are controlled by underground piping and valves on the outside of the gate. Beyond the pasture is home to a large timber stand with a private gated entrance off Hardy Cemetery Road. Multiple trails have been cut beyond the gated entrance, large enough for a full-size UTV or even a pickup truck in some locations. There are several deer stands installed in various locations and do convey with the property. Bobbitts Branch Creek runs through the southernmost parcel, creating a central watering hole for all wildlife in the area. Along the creek, there are several signs of wildlife trails, as this is a highly trafficked area. If you would like to discuss this beautiful, one-of-a-kind farm further, please reach out to listing agent Dillon Eckert at (252)717-9788 or DO NOT access the property without a licensed North Carolina Real Estate Agent and a scheduled showing appointment. Property Features: - 1,512 Square Foot 3 Bed/2 Bath home remodeled in 2025, built in 1997 - New heat pump Installed in 2023 - New roof installed in 2022 - Septic tank last pumped in 2023 - All utilities are electric other than gas range - Propane tank supplies gas range - Three wells on property - County water available at road - Bright Speed provides the homes current cable - Fiber Optic cable available at road - Star Link currently supplying internet to home - Home has 200 AMP electric service - RV hookup on site - Two old homes with no value on site - One old home next to current residence has fire damage and no value - One old home in west pasture has no value - Livestock barn with multiple stalls and equipment room - Three old tobacco barns being used as storage - Livestock watering system with 5 installed outlets being supplied by underground pipe and well spaced out in pastures - Approximately 32 acres of fenced-in pasture with multiple gates - Small chicken coop to the east of the home - Second entrance on Hardy Cemetery Road to the large timber tract - Multiple trails around the pastures and in the timber large enough for pickup trucks and UTVs - Multiple deer stands convey with the property - Some equipment is negotiable with the sale of the property - Bobbitt's Branch Creek runs through the southern portion of the property - Some wetland area and FEMA flood plane along Bobbitt's Branch Creek in wooded area - A Forestry Report is available during the due diligence period after an offer is accepted - Multiple homesites are possible, soil testing for septic suitability would be the responsibility of the buyer - Survey on file dated 1997


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Scott Hicks
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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