Land for Sale - 125 Mystic Dr, Mathis, TX 78368 - 81.95 acres

Live Oak County | Nueces River Cove Ranch | NW of Mathis

125 Mystic Dr, Mathis, TX | Lat/Lng:  28.2423, -97.9544

81.95 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


SUMMARY This rare river/lake frontage property offers the new owner very convenient access, a dense forest of habitat, a planted tree orchard, great hunting opportunities, and a feeling of peacefulness. The ranch has frontage along the lower Nueces River feeding into the north end of Lake Corpus Christi. This great opportunity is ready to enjoy as is, build to your preference, ...Click to learn more


CountyLive Oak
BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Ken Hoerster
Email Land Listing Agent
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