Land for Sale - 1310 N. 6th Street, Atchison, KS 66002 - 0.29 acres

BRAND NEW HOME in Atchison, KS close to College

1310 N. 6th Street, Atchison, KS | Lat/Lng:  39.5773, -95.1200

0.29 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


PRICE ADJUSTMENT!....This is a BRAND NEW MANUFACTURED HOME close to the College Campus! 3BR, 2BA Home with Beautiful hardwood flooring, Large yard that back up to woods so deer in the back yard is not uncommon. All NEW appliances, Large Chef's kitchen sink, LOT'S of kitchen cabinet storage space with a kitchen island. This NEW HOME has a 10 Year TAX REBATE that was grandfathered in for economic developement so that means you will get your Real Estate Taxes back for 10 years!! That is a HUGE SAVINGS!! Call Brad or Shana to make an appt. to see this before it's snatched up! Shana Morrison - 816-341-0666 Brad Morrison - 816-922-9675


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Woods N Water Land Co
Brokerage Link
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