Land for Sale - 1331 Varnum Rd. Lot#WP001, Laurel Hill, FL 32567 - 22.34 acres

Ranchette With Cabin, Creek, Pastures And Good Hunting

1331 Varnum Rd. Lot#WP001, Laurel Hill, FL | Lat/Lng:  30.9768, -86.3791

22.34 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Situated in the rural countryside of Northwest Florida, you’ll find this beautiful ranchette property and its great potential for full-time living or perfect weekend getaways. The diverse 22-acre tract offers approximately 5 acres of pasture ground which contains a select stand of mature hardwood scattered throughout. The nicely gated and mostly fenced pasture area provides plenty of shade, allows access to one of two perennial creeks and proves ideal for managing a small herd of cattle and other livestock. The entire western side of the property is bordered by a north to south section of Fleming Creek. A short afternoon’s walk down to the creek can allow for good times with catches of small bass and panfish. And for you hunters, there’s plenty of deer and hogs that visit the property and plenty of room to plant sizable green fields for wildlife although a couple small food plots already exist. There's also a high-tension power easement located to the very back of the property which provides a sizable area of tillable ground and serves as a major crossing for wildlife moving up and down the thick timbered bottom of Fleming Creek. Speaking of tillable ground, there’s even more cleared land up near the cabin that would be ideal for planting your farm fresh garden or serve as the perfect location to build your forever country home. A small one bedroom, one bath cabin with kitchen and living area sits roadside and could also be utilized as a residence or weekend camp house. Please keep in mind however that the cabin needs work and is to be sold “AS IS”. Give us a call today to arrange your private tour of this great little property as it shouldn’t last long. Property Features: - Beautiful ranchette - Small camp house - Weekend or residential use - County road frontage - Gated entry - Power & county water available - Open pasture ground - Low fenced & cross fenced - Borders Fleming Creek - Mixed Pine & hardwood timber - Nice tillable areas - Established food plot - Large & small game hunting - Fishing - 8 minutes from Florala, AL - 9 minutes from Paxton - 29 minutes from Crestview - 4 hour 12 minutes from Atlanta, GA - 6 hours 2 minutes from Tampa


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Jeff Roddenberry
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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