Land for Sale - 138 Chestnut St., Marienville, PA 16239 - 7.3 acres

138 Chestnut St. - Forest County - 7.3 Acres

138 Chestnut St., Marienville, PA | Lat/Lng:  41.4713, -79.1198

7.3 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Business in the heart of the Pennsylvania Wilds with already established cash flow. This property includes a large retail space, offices, a small efficiency apartment, storage, garage, room to grow with over 7 acres, and two 100'x30' storage unit buildings with units currently being rented. Lots of possibilities with this property as it sits on the edge of town, strategically near the Allegheny National Forest with frontage on Route 66 and the Knox and Kane Rail Trail, in an area with no zoning. Features Of The Property Include: 7.3 +/- total acres Building was built in 1996 with 6,972 total sq ft Retail space Office space Small efficiency apartment Garage with 2 overhead doors Two 30'x 100' storage unit buildings Currently producing income from rented units Frontage on Route 66 Frontage on Knox and Kane Rail Trail Near Allegheny National Forest No zoning Public water and sewer


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Pennsylvania Land Professionals
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