Land for Sale - 144 Gum Branch-Hwy 25 Road, Louisville , MS 39339 - 52.04 acres

52.04 Acres with a Home in Winston County at 144 Gum Branch Hwy 25 Road in Louisville, MS

144 Gum Branch-Hwy 25 Road, Louisville , MS | Lat/Lng:  33.2177, -88.9856

52.04 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


REDUCED!!! If you've been searching for your ideal family estate, your search ends here. This Winston County, MS property features a meticulously crafted 4,897 square foot two-story home with four wood-burning fireplaces, five bedrooms, and four and a half bathrooms, designed for comfort and entertainment. The standout feature is the fully screened enclosed back porch overlooking a stunning swimming pool ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
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Agent: Tom Smith
Email Land Listing Agent
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