Land for Sale - 1512 Refinery Road, Ardmore, OK 73401 - 0.89 acres

1512 Refinery Road, Ardmore, OK

1512 Refinery Road, Ardmore, OK | Lat/Lng:  34.1886, -97.1165

0.89 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Are you in the market for a couple commercial buildings and property? Here is your chance! Located on Refinery Road in Ardmore, Oklahoma, this commercial machinery business previously provided specially made parts to Valero Refinery and other local businesses. Two buildings are on the property and the sale includes all of the machinery and equipment. Located just over a mile SW of Valero Refinery, this property is the perfect location for a business owner looking for easy accessiblity. Building #1 is 50' x 100'. It is insulated on a slab concrete foundation and equipped with 3-phase electricity to run commercial machinery. It also includes an office and private bathroom. Builing #2 is 30' x 50'. It is insulated on a slab concrete foundation and equipped with 3-phase electricity. The property also features a 280 square foot metal storage building. Don't miss the chance to purchase this commercial property ready for you to establish your business! Call Craig today to schedule a showing. Craig Bryant: 580-465-9851 When purchasing a property listed by Turner Land Company LLC, a Buyer's Broker, if applicable, must be identified at first contact and must be present at the initial showing of the property in order to participate in a real estate commission. If these conditions are not met, compensation, if any, will be at the sole discretion of Turner Land Company LLC.


Property Type OneCommercial
Property Type TwoBusiness Opportunity
BrokerageTurner Land Company LLC
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