Land for Sale - 151xx Wilkeson-Spiketon Rd (Lot 3), Wilkeson, WA 98396 - 20.0 acres

Wilkeson 20-Acre Investment Property

151xx Wilkeson-Spiketon Rd (Lot 3), Wilkeson, WA | Lat/Lng:  47.1232, -122.0323

20 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Wilkeson 20 Acres, End of road, private, secluded, wooded, quiet, stream, peaceful, lots of animals. Some views to the north and west, forestry special use tax category for low taxes, recently thinned to open up views, light, and health of remaining trees. Room to build and do what you want. Bring builders and dreams! Buyer to drill well and do septic system. Power on lot, joint-use driveway for easy, nice access on the north side, Take maps before walking the property. Buyer to do a new forestry plan as a condition of purchase per the county. No mobiles. No access to power lines to ride a motorcycle.


Property Type OneUndeveloped Land
Property Type TwoBusiness Opportunity
Property Type ThreeRecreational Land
BrokerageKeller Williams Mountains to Sound Realty
Brokerage Link
Agent: David R. Knight
Email Land Listing Agent
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