Land for Sale - 15273 FM 150 Highway W, Driftwood, TX 78619 - 21.22 acres

15273 FM 150 Highway W Driftwood TX 78619

15273 FM 150 Highway W, Driftwood, TX | Lat/Lng:  30.1322, -98.0362

21.22 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Reduced to certified appraisal of $1.4 Million Dollars, come check it out! 21.2+/- acres just southeast of downtown Dripping Springs loaded with huge majestic oaks. Very near where FM 1826 dead ends to FM 150. Close to the Salt Lick, Hays City Store & Dripping Springs. No Restrictions. Can Subdivide. FANTASTIC HORSE PROPERTY. Fully fenced with open pond area, livestock ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Gary Steele
Email Land Listing Agent
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