Land for Sale - 15760 S SR 71, Blountstown, FL 32424 - 3.55 acres

15760 S SR 71

15760 S SR 71, Blountstown, FL | Lat/Lng:  30.4290, -85.0607

3.55 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


For more information regarding this listing, please contact Lance Clemons at 850-643-6972 If you are searching for vacant land with excellent commercial potential, check out this recently cleared 3.5 acres located on SR 71 in Calhoun County, FL. With approximately 465' of highway frontage, this location is a prime spot to start a business. FDOT traffic report indicates that 3,200 vehicles pass by this parcel daily. A Dollar General and the Calhoun Liberty Employees Credit Union have been recently built within close proximity to the subject lot on SR 71. In addition, the new Calhoun Liberty Hospital is being constructed in the adjacent area and the new build will drastically increase the amount of business growth in the neighborhood. Moreover, Calhoun Correctional Institution is a short 1.5 mile drive from the listed property and employs a large workforce that drives by this parcel daily. Multiple restaurants and small businesses are located within 2 miles of this location. SR 71 is a direct path to the beautiful beaches of Port Saint Joe and Mexico Beach. This highway is a highly used path for out of state residents traveling to the beach. The property has a working water well and a recent survey has been completed for the potential buyer. Don't miss out on your opportunity to own this incredible piece of property. Key Features: - 465' of paved State road frontage - 3,200 daily vehicle traffic - Developing businesses corridor - Adjacent Hospital (under construction) - Working water well - Recent survey Location: - 1.5 minutes to Blountstown, FL - 54 minutes to Mexico Beach, FL - 54 minutes to Port Saint Joe, FL - 1 hr 2 minutes to Tallahassee, FL - 1 hr 8 minutes to Panama City, FL - 1 hr 2 minutes to Donalsonville, GA - 1 hr 4 minutes to Bainbridge, GA - 1 hr 20 minutes to Dothan, Alabama Opportunity Awaits: - Ideal for those seeking to create a commercial business along a busy highway. - Neighboring businesses (Hospital, Bank, Dollar General, State Correctional Facility, Restaurants) - A great location with paved roadway frontage. The boundary lines are approximate and should not be used as the official survey. Lance Clemons, Listing Agent 850-643-6972 Lclemons@


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Southern Land & Homes, LLC
Brokerage Link
Agent: Lance Clemons
Email Land Listing Agent
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