Land for Sale - 15914 Bowling Green Road, Durant, MS 39063 - 0.91 acres

The Oyo Hotel in Holmes County, MS

15914 Bowling Green Road, Durant, MS | Lat/Lng:  33.0855, -89.8512

0.91 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN AFFORDABLE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY? The 16- unit Oyo Hotel in Durant, MS, offers a cost-effective possibility for active investors! Situated in Holmes County, this property benefits from a convenient location, being approximately three miles east of I-55 and very near to Highway 51. Whether you’re looking to renovate and operate a budget-friendly motel or explore other ...Click to learn more


County: Holmes
Zipcode: 39063
Brokerage: Land Broker Co-op
Brokerage Link:
Agent: SMALLTOWN Hunting Properties and Real Estate
Email Land Listing Agent
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