Land for Sale - 15999 SR 26, Marietta, OH 45750 - 160.4 acres

SR 26 - 160 acres - Washington County

15999 SR 26, Marietta, OH | Lat/Lng:  39.4931, -81.2633

160.4 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


160.4 +/- acres for sale in Washington County, Ohio. Nice recreational tract next to Wayne National Forest. Large acreage with deep ravines and steep hillsides. Long rolling ridge top should be good hunting and a great secluded location to camp. There looks to be plenty of wildlife in this area and several additional parcels of National Forest close by. The Little Muskingum River is located right across the road from this property. Property features include: 160 +/- acres pending new survey Mostly wooded parcel Select timber harvest 2024 Good road and trail system throughout property Rolling to steeper topography Rock outcroppings Hunting for deer, turkey, and small game Borders Wayne National Forest Elevation rises from 660' to 1060' GPS Coordinates are 39.4931, -81.2637 1800s farmhouse and outbuildings on the property are in unknown condition and selling as is. The seller is reserving all gas & oil rights. Annual taxes are TBD due to the new split.


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Bauer Realty & Auctions
Brokerage Link
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