Land for Sale - 168th Place/160th Avenue, Hamilton, IA 50116 - 172.52 acres

Marion Land For Sale

168th Place/160th Avenue, Hamilton, IA | Lat/Lng:  41.1660, -93.0360

172.52 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Peoples Company is pleased to offer this high caliber 172.52 m/l acre hunting and recreational farmland opportunity in the heart of big whitetail country, along the Marion/Monroe County line in southeastern Marion County, Iowa. Situated in the North Cedar Creek and Hickory Creek corridor, this tract is located in an area known for its abilitytogrow mature whitetails and provides excellent opportunities to harvest older age-classbucks and turkeys on a very consistent basis. With a new owners effort and strategic management practices, this farm has the potential to become a trophy whitetail haven, a dream come true for most outdoorsmen. This farm offers everything needed to earn itself top shelf hunting status including; great access from both the east and west, ample food sources, diverse and heavy cover in the heart of the property, and plentifulwater sources. Multiple bow and late season set-ups are offered by this tract, allowing a new hunter to maximize their days afield and hunt throughout the entire season. Good access and rolling topography allows you to get into the farm undetected and hunt all wind directions, particularly those west and northwest winds that make up a large portion of the fall and winter months. The farm features an established food plot that is located on the east side of the farm and is surrounded by heavily wooded timber draws and ditches. The property also offers multiple ideal and destination late-season food plot locations that could be implemented on this farm, further cementing its ability to hold mature and young bucks with promising genetics to get them through to the following season. The farm consists of 172.52 acres m/l with an estimated 64.55 FSA cropland acres carrying a CSR2 rating of 52.7. The primary soil type on this tract is Weller silt loam, encompassing 81% of the tillable acres. There will be a conservation easement placed on the property to protect and preserve the integrity of the soils on the farm as well as improve water quality - please contact one of the listing agents for a copy of the conservation easement. Rathbun Regional Water Association has a 2 water main along 168th Place with ample capacity to offer services to a new owner. Electric service is also along 168th Place and is provided by Chariton Valley Electric Coop. Inc. Out of state hunters will find this tract in the highly coveted Iowa Non Resident Deer Hunting Zone 5, locally and nationally known as the best deer hunting zone in Iowa.This property is located in Section 34 of Indiana Township in Marion County, Iowa, just southeast of Knoxville, Iowa. Take advantage of this opportunity to own a premier property in the Manhattan of Iowa deer hunting.


Property Type OneRecreational
Property Type TwoTimber
BrokeragePeoples Company
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Jake Sickels
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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