Land for Sale - 176+/-acres SR 108, Morrison, TN 37357 - 176.0 acres

176+/-acres Unrestricted wooded property.

176+/-acres SR 108, Morrison, TN | Lat/Lng:  35.4619, -85.8169

176 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


176+/-acres Unrestricted wooded property. This would be perfect to build your home with a million-dollar view. This property is teeming with wildlife such as deer and turkey for the avid hunter. This property is minutes Manchester TN or McMinnville TN. There is electricity available on the road. ****Buyer is responsible to do their due diligence to verify that all information is correct.


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Land Sales, LLC
Brokerage Link
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