Land for Sale - 18031 State Hwy M-28, Lot#WP002, Newberry, MI 49868 - 21.0 acres

U.P. Base Camp

18031 State Hwy M-28, Lot#WP002, Newberry, MI | Lat/Lng:  46.3102, -85.5940

21 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Let this be your landing pad for your U.P. getaway. This four-bedroom home has enough space to sleep a large family and then some. Complete with a bar area and sunroom, these areas have large gatherings in mind. Across the drive, you’ll find a 40’x56’ insulated and heated garage providing plenty of room to wrench on sleds and side-by-sides after a day on the nearby trails. Tucked slightly further back, the 40’x72’ pole barn provides additional shelter to protect and store heavy equipment and large trailers. The property features road frontage on both the state highway and county road. Aside from the building area, the majority of the property is open field providing room for a hobby farm or expanded operations if more buildings are desired in the future.*Sale is subject to municipal approval. Also available with more acreage. Property Features: - 3,025+/- sq ft home with attached garage - 40'x56' insulated and heated garage - 40'x72' pole barn - Two-sided road access - Hay/pasture ground


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Edmund Nogaski
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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