Land for Sale - 19732 Four Corners Road, Lot#WP001, Dorrance, KS 67634 - 310.0 acres

Turnkey Hunting Farm Near Smoky Hill River

19732 Four Corners Road, Lot#WP001, Dorrance, KS | Lat/Lng:  38.8116, -98.6270

310 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This great hunting tract is located in Central Kansas, just a bit off the Smoky Hill River. The Smoky Hill River valley offers a diverse range of cropland, hilly pastures, hardwood bottoms, and brushy draws, so it's no wonder there is such a high number of deer on this farm. This tract has been managed with deer in mind for the past several years, and it comes complete with condo stands, feeders, and well-placed food plots. The tillable farm acres give the new owner some extra income or a chance to increase the acres of food plots. There is a modern concrete slab in the homestead that would make a great place for a cabin or camper pad especially with the electric and water already in place. This hunting farm offers a target-rich environment with the possibility of harvesting good bucks year after year that is hard to match, so reach out to a listing agent right away for a closer look! Property Features: - 3 miles Southwest of Dorrance - 310 +/- total acres - 87.42 +/- tillable acres - Well maintained gravel road - Electric & water in place - Rural & well water - Diverse mix of hardwood bottoms and tall brushy draws - Established food plots - Very high deer population - Close to the Smoky Hill River - Condo stands & feeders in place (turnkey) - Seller has no ownership in minerals / mineral rights do not transfer - NW4 of S26, T14, R12W & SE4 of S22, T14, R12W - Center Township


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Adam Hann
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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