Land for Sale - 2006 Evergreen Road, Jackson, AL 36545 - 50.0 acres

50 Acres in Clarke County

2006 Evergreen Road, Jackson, AL | Lat/Lng:  31.5091, -87.8944

50 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


50 acres with a main house, fully finished guest house, horse barn and shop. Welcome to Few Farms. The owners have spared no expense making this truly unique property a spectacular home. The main house features three bedrooms and three bathrooms with updates including new double pained windows, new marble countertops, new gutters, updated laundry room, new appliances and a fresh coat of paint! The guest house which is connected by a covered walkway, is fully functional with two very spacious bedrooms and three full bathrooms. With over 5,000 square feet (per tax records) of functional living space and a total of five bedrooms and six bathrooms, there are so many options for the use of this setup! The property is fenced and currently home to horses, sheep and a pet rooster! The barn, which has power and water, has 6 small horse stalls and 4 large horse stalls. There is also a large loft in the barn to store extra equipment. The shop boast plenty of area to work, and has power and a concrete floor. The property is teeming with wildlife included mature deer and numerous turkey. The landscape consist of 25 acres of open meadows and 25 acres of young natural regrowth timber. With 2800 feet of frontage on the quiet Evergreen Road, there are endless opportunities. Locate approximately 10 minutes to the small town of Jackson and a short drive to the coast, this is a wonderful location to call home! Call any time with any question!


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoHunting Land
Property Type ThreeResidential Property
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Alabama Land Crafters
Brokerage Link
Agent: Jacob Walker
Email Land Listing Agent
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