Land for Sale - 208 NM 266, Sapello, NM 87825 - 296.0 acres

Sapello River Retreat

208 NM 266, Sapello, NM | Lat/Lng:  35.7727, -105.2862

296 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


The Sapello River Retreat is a 296± acre haven in the picturesque Sapello River Valley. Graced with the tranquility of nature and set to the rhythm of the river, this property offers an exquisite blend of beauty and comfortable living. Almost 2,000 feet of the Sapello River flows through the property, separating the 63± acres of lush, irrigable farmland and the ...Click to learn more


CountySan Miguel
BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Brokerage Link
Agent: Fay Ranches Broker
Email Land Listing Agent
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