Land for Sale - 212 US HIGHWAY 110 South, Whitehouse, TX 75791 - 1.69 acres

Corner Lot in Whitehouse texas

212 US HIGHWAY 110 South, Whitehouse, TX | Lat/Lng:  32.2241, -95.2261

1.69 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Excellent corner lot approximately 900 feet south of FM346. 215 feet of 110 frontage and 250 feet of Tomlin St frontage make this an excellent proprty for commercial development. Property is currently listed as Residential High however after speatking with Whitehouse Planning & Zoning this property can be changed to commercial with an application request. Please call agent when showing. Whitehouse school district. All utilities availabe


Property Type OneLot
Property Type TwoCommercial
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties of Texas
Brokerage Link
Agent: Raymond Grubbs
Email Land Listing Agent
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