Land for Sale - 213 Saddlewood Dr, Goldsboro, NC 27534 - 0.46 acres

0.46 acre Residential Lot for Sale in Wayne County, NC

213 Saddlewood Dr, Goldsboro, NC | Lat/Lng:  35.3489, -77.9116

0.46 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


For immediate assistance with this listing call Morgan Ingram at 919-429-1139 . 0.46 acre Residential Lot for sale in Anderwood Estates in Goldsboro in Wayne County, NC! Call Morgan Ingram at 919-429-1139 to schedule a showing today! Looking to build in a subdivision that is close to shopping, restaurants, and 3 minutes away from Highway 70 for easy commute? Look no further! This 0.46 acre lot is the one for you! Located off of Miller’s Chapel Rd in Anderwood Estates subdivision, this wooded lot holds the key to being your potential next homesite! Light restrictions and no HOA! No mobile homes or trailers of any sort, the minimum stick built home requirements per the restrictions is 1200 sq feet and has 133 feet of road frontage on Saddlewood Drive. Ideal location for someone who would like to be in a small community that is close to all necessities that you need. 3 minutes from the Neighborhood Market Walmart, McCalls Seafood, Gas Stations, etc. 15 minutes from Downtown Goldsboro, 15 minutes from Waync UNC Healthcare and Immediate Care, 12 minutes to La Grange, 30 Minutes to Kinston, 1 hour to Greenville, 40 minutes to Smithfield and a little over an hour from Raleigh. There is no septic permit on file so a perc test will be required to find out suitability for a septic system. This property has access to county water and Duke Energy for electricity. None of this property is located in a FEMA flood plain. If this lot checks your boxes, do not hesitate to reach out to us! Lots like this do not last long in ideal locations like this! If you have been looking to buy a lot in Goldsboro and build your dream home, this just may be the one for you! For more information on this and other land for sale in Wayne County, contact Morgan Ingram at 919-429-1139 or by email at mingram@ or visit


Property Type OneUndeveloped Land
Property Type TwoLot
Property Type ThreeBusiness Opportunity
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Land and Farms Realty
Brokerage Link
Agent: Morgan Ingram
Email Land Listing Agent
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